The PCTO projects

Type "A" training courses: 3 years
State scientific and linguistic high school
F. Bisazza (Messina) - 2017/20
Constitution of the Association :
Type "B" training courses : 1 year
on the territory safety
HENSE SCHOOL supports, together with its associated Partners, the strategic enhancement of the School in the context of shared territory safety policies, through PCTO projects (Projects for Transversal Skills and for Orientation).
The School must become the reference structure for the achievement of one of the primary objectives of the School itself: a School increasingly rooted in the territory, of which it becomes a vital center, a driving force for initiatives, proposals and exchanges; a School that knows how to combine motivation to study with social commitment through actual initiatives; a School capable of managing the acquisition of knowledge and skills to subsequently apply them in different fields.
The contribution of the School in a logic of comparison with the social actors, oriented towards the creation of a sustainability network, shared by the other economic and social actors, will in fact animate territorial dynamics consistent with the implementation of a territory development model based on social responsibility.
In this context, HENSE SCHOOL established, together with the TerrSafeiLab Consortium and the I.S.S. Felice Bisazza di Messina, the Association called Junior Community of Environmental Technicians (JCT) which is characterized as a meeting and aggregation space for the study and sharing of training experiences on the territory safety: from orientation towards university studies to raising awareness and knowledge of territorial risks, with the aim of encouraging students' dialogue with institutions and social actors, and promoting the enhancement of their role in the social context.
The PCTO international project
Quick links
email: info@henseschool.eu
School and University
Institutions and Companies