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Organisational structure

The operational management of the HENSE SCHOOL is ensured by the management of the Consortium, set up by the President, two Vice Presidents, Director-General, Assembly, Board of Directors and the Scientific Council, with the support of the Associated Partners through the following operational structures:

  • the Consortium Management Committee checks the management effectiveness; monitors the training and research activities and their consistency with the principles and statutory values ​​of the HENSE SCHOOL; prepares the Regulations; performs a coordinating action by the partner universities;

  • the Quality and Compliance Committee carries out assistance and supervision activities in the adoption and implementation of the HENSE SCHOOL policies and procedures;

  • the HENSE SCHOOL Program Coordination Committee and the Local Coordination Committees carry out a coordinating action of the HENSE SCHOOL Program at different scales; verify the correct provision of training, higher education and lifelong courses; continuously monitor academic standards and the level of quality of awarded joint degrees;

  • the Student Selection Committee selects the students, in accordance with procedures defined by the Consortium Management Committee; focuses students' interest on the permanent nature of the training process;

  • the Examination Committee monitors and validates the students' training path;

  • the Placement and Career Education Offices encourage the meeting between job demand and job offer by keeping permanent contacts with institutions and companies HENSE SCHOOL Partners working in the field of territory safety;



Applications and admissions 

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Tuition fees


Traineeships and  placement


Technological services

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Teachers and researchers

Technical and administrative team

E-learning platform


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Ammissioni e immatricolazioni


Tasse e contributi

Stage e  placement



Servizi tecnologici


Docenti e ricercatori

Personale tecnico - amministrativo

Piattaforma e-learning

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