Placement service
The Placement and Career Education Offices have their headquarters at each HENSE SCHOOL Partner University and operate with the aim of:
facilitate the matching between job demand and offer, maintaining permanent contacts with Institutions and companies partners of the HENSE SCHOOL in the field of territory safety;
promoting the significance of the HENSE SCHOOL Programme with reference to both training and related research activities, and the use of professionals specially trained in the context of territory safety policies;
helping students to plan their careers in accordance with interests, skills and needs of the labor market;
preparing students to improve their entrepreneurial skills and abilities with the support of the entrepreneurial Partner of the HENSE SCHOOL who participate in the Consortium activities with responsibilities for the promotion and organization of traineeships aimed at the acquisition a field experience;
promoting a correct integration between Academic institutions and territory, through information campaigns on the safety issue of environment and territory;
supporting the students in the counseling to the traineeship and first employment;