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Joint training paths and general goals

The HENSE SCHOOL, as a non-profit consortium with its Associate Partners, Universities, Research centers, Institutions and Companies from different Countries, aims at developing a cooperation between the universities in order to favor the elaboration of shared and joint study programmes, the mobility of professors and students and the acquisition of an interdisciplinary expertise in  environmental and territorial diagnostics and in territorial systems’ safety and monitoring.

The joint degrees and postgraduate programmes, activated in the Universities Partner of the Consortium,  have been designed according to the HENSE SCHOOL Programme, referring to the role played by the academic and non-academic partners of the HENSE SCHOOL Network and, especially, promoting the synchronization of the training paths between school and University, through appropriate counselling activities, and between University and territory safety needs for entering the labour market, through specific traineeships on territorial safety in Institutions and  Companies engaged in different processes of institutional  and competitive  repositioning.

In the context of a reconfiguration of relationships with the territory social and economic actors, a better communication between research centres  and productive system will determine: 

  • an improving of people’s knowledge of the territory, by providing surveys and scientific data, useful to adopt policies targeted at prevention, trough new professionals  trained in the sector of environmental and territorial risk assessment and monitoring;

  • creating the prerequisites for the competitive repositioning of businesses in the territorial systems, setting up a stable network of cooperation and exchange with the research  centres.

An actual interaction and integration of the HENSE SCHOOL with the actors of  territory development  will capitalize in fact the competitiveness of the research, training and technological entrepreneurial systems by creating specific instruments aiming at including knowledge economy in the industrial processes and in the territory safety protocols. 

The training paths offered by  the  Universities Partner of the HENSE SCHOOL were designed in the following degrees and postgraduate courses in Environmental diagnostics and safety :


  • Bachelor’s degree

  • Master’s degree

  • Doctorate  

  • 2nd level Master course


and courses in scientific disciplinary sectors coherent with the territory safety and economic development, such as :


  • Lifelong courses 

  • Advanced study courses     


All courses will be held mainly in English and in synchronous blended e-learning mode, with the support of Institutions and companies, and are aimed at creating professional profiles with a high innovative and technological potential in the field of territory safety and technical-scientific skills functional to the implementation of entrepreneurial strategies suitable to generate value. 

Students interested in these training courses can enrol at a University of the HENSE SCHOOL Network and attend the courses of the HENSE SCHOOL  Programme.

In this regard, it is pointed out that the training programmes related to the Bachelor’s Degree and the Master’s Degree are perfectly consistent with the “obiettivi formativi qualificanti” (“qualifying training goals”) and the “attività formative indispensabili” (“essential training activities”), prescribed by the Italian regulation in force respectively for the Bachelor’s degree Class (… (L-34) in GEOLOGICAL SCIENCE – or (L-7) TERRITORY ENGINEERING) and the Master’s degree Class (LM-79) in GEOPHYSICAL SCIENCE.

After the completion of the training courses, joint qualifications will be issued by the Universities Partner of the HENSE School, on the basis of a specific Network agreement  providing integrated curricula of an established duration. 



Applications and admissions 

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Tuition fees


Traineeships and  placement


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Teachers and researchers

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