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Professional outlets

Environmental diagnostics and safety

Joint undergraduate and postgraduate courses in:

Three-year degree

Trained professional figures will have in-depth knowledge  di methods of assessment of vulnerability_cc781905-5c3bd_ 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_d_of methods of assessment of vulnerability_bc59094-136bd8-3194bd81-3194905 136bad5cf58d_sismic and hydrogelogic of elements of the territory and territorial systems. In particular,   will be able to:

  • identify, also on the basis of semiotic approaches, the most important elements of susceptibility to damage of elements of the territory;

  • evaluate the systemic vulnerability of the roads in the context of seismic and hydrogeological damage scenarios;

  • demonstrate skills in the field of diagnostics  structural and territorial, as well as a high ability to communicate acquired knowledge;

  • carry out professional activities   at Companies, Institutions.

At the end of the training course, graduates will have acquired a high level of qualification in the field of environmental and territorial diagnostics and structures of manufactured goods. In particular e   will be able to:

  • develop and use specific physical and mathematical tools for applications to the study, monitoring and modeling of territorial systems and geophysical phenomena, related to the evaluation of the safety of the territory;

  • play a coordinating role in different disciplinary procedures  involved in the construction of seismic and hydrogeological damage scenarios (Applied Geophysics, Seismic Engineering, Applied Geology, _7905- Hydrogeology, Hydrogeology _ 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_… ..);

  • combining multidisciplinary theoretical knowledge and technical-professional skills in assessing the susceptibility to damage of territorial systems;

  • analyze the social and economic context of territorial systems to develop project ideas;  

  • carry out professional and interdisciplinary research activities in companies, institutions, research centers.

Master's degree


The trained professionals will be able to carry out, at Universities, public and private research centers, Institutions and ed Imprese,  _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136905cc781-activity research 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ e of high qualification   in the sector of environmental and territorial diagnostics and_cc781905-5cde-3194__5_ bb3bbadd-136badd-136b in the management of security projects  and monitoring of elements of the territory and territorial systems,   characterized by high standards of innovation.

The Master offers employment prospects in a variety of professional fields: in the field of structural and territorial diagnostics for the assessment of the susceptibility to damage of buildings and the territory, also in the context of seismic and hydrogeological vulnerability assessment campaigns of the territory.

The holders of the Master have acquired the necessary skills to carry out professional activities for institutions, companies, private firms.

master's degree

​I courses,  also in the context of permanent training courses, _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136debad5cf58d-136bd81-136bd81-136bd81-136bd81-sector professional figures territorial security with multidisciplinary specialist skills, which carry out activities on behalf of institutions, companies and private firms.  

Courses of  training  continue / Higher training courses

Ancora 2
Ancora 3
Ancora 4



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