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Didactic organization

Environmental diagnostics and safety

Joint undergraduate and postgraduate courses in:

Bachelor's degree /  Laurea magistrale  

All the courses that will be followed by students at the Universities of the Network HENSE SCHOOL in different countries, are offered in synchronous blended e-learning mode  and are coordinated_cc781905c78194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_from the HENSE SCHOOL Partners, in accordance with the HENSE SCHOOL Program .

The study plans for the bachelor's and master's degrees, with the indication of the relative credits ECTS, are reported, respectively, _cc781905-5cde-3194c905badccb -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_n in Attachment 1 and Attachment no. 2 . These Attachments will be periodically updated on the proposal of the Quality and Compliance Committee .

The teaching is structured in semesters with lectures, laboratory activities, specialist seminars and ongoing tests. Attendance is strongly recommended for scheduled lessons,   is compulsory  for laboratory hours.

The training is enriched by a series of complementary targeted activities (conferences, seminars, workshops, study programs abroad ...) to encourage and facilitate a higher level of interaction between students, professors, scholars and external operators.

In the event of an undergraduate student exchange, Home University   will recognize and provide credit for the academic achievement of its students at Host University  in accordance with_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ study program initially developed and agreed by both institutions.

Students participating in the exchange program are not required to pay university fees to the host institution, but they must comply with its rules and regulations.

The training of students of the Network Universities della HENSE SCHOOL  will be completed by targeted seminars organized by TerrSafeiLab ( The management training laboratory, The management laboratory territorial marketing ), which are "operational platforms in which researchers, innovators and entrepreneurs collaborate for the  realization of innovative projects promoted, at the level national and international, _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_with the aim of creating a system   encouraging sustainable economic development of the territory "


The  prefigured training course is articulated on a selection of the following scientific-disciplinary areas: _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136_bbad5cf58d 136bad5cf58d_Scienze Matematiche e Informatiche,  Scienze Physiche,  Scienze Chimiche,  Scienze Fisiche,  Scienze Chimiche, _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5c -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_elettronica,  informatics and robotics. The PhD student will carry out his research project in an interdisciplinary research group within an extended university belonging to at least two countries, carrying out periods of study abroad,   on the basis of the mo ability of teachers and students prepared by the HENSE School.

Considering the marked interdisciplinary nature of the Doctorate, personalized training courses are planned which, with reference to the research program that the student will develop over the three-year period, to the different backgrounds of the students, and to the previous level of preparation, _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ allow the acquisition of the necessary level of knowledge at several universities of the HENSE School. 

With the aim of achieving an adequate framework of skills that can facilitate entry into the world of work, seminars will also be offered on  Managerial training,  Knowledge_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_management, Territorial marketing .

The Academic Board, whose composition, reported nell ' Attachment no. 3 , will be periodically updated, has the responsibility  organizational, scientific and didactic of the course, _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58dbad5-136c3-136bad5cf58d-53d__cc5 the plan of activities, the methods of annual and final verification of the acquired preparation; approves the research projects that the student intends to develop during the course, with reference to any conventions and agreements; designates the Tutor who will follow the doctoral student throughout the course, after consulting the doctoral student himself.

2nd level Master

The courses, due to their interdisciplinary characterization, are structured on didactic modules which correlate the theoretical aspects to the highly applicative aspects of urban and territorial diagnostics,  and allow the acquisition of targeted knowledge for the application of innovative protocols for the assessment and monitoring of environmental and territorial risks,    facilitating the consequent insertion in the_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b905__bad5 -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_world of work.

In fact, during the didactic activity  subject to students concrete cases that can constitute a significant reference of an innovative training course expressly configured to recognize specific structural and territorial pathologies, for studies assessment of urban and territorial seismic vulnerability.

The training course is divided into a total of 1500 hours: 410 teaching d'aula and 190 interactive teaching  in synchronous blended e-learning mode; 750 for self-study and 150   for internship. _cc781905-5cde-136badd-136badd

Attendance is compulsory and absences for each teaching module cannot exceed 20% of the total teaching hours.

All the training activities planned, with the indication of the corresponding ECTS, are listed in Annex n. 4 , which will be periodically   updated on the proposal of the HENSE SCHOOL Quality and Compliance .

Continuing training courses /  Higher training courses

​The courses are aimed at ensuring that different subjects operating in fields differentiated (professional, entrepreneurial, institutional, ...), participation in targeted, even of a type of training  focused on the safety of the territory, and finalized   to the insertion _cc781dell-135cc5_de_bc781905_de_internation 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ of the economy  of knowledge  in specific areas with the aim of of knowledge  in specific areas with the aim of_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b_bad5-136bad7 sustainable economic development of the community.



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