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PARTNERSHIPS with Institutions and Companies 

HENSE SCHOOL promotes partnerships with organizations and companies for the definition of a territorial security policy, based on a multi-objective and intersectoral resilience strategy, which encourages the activation of suitable synergies aimed at assessing and mitigating the different types of vulnerability of the territory , including induced ones, having regard to the specific territorial, economic and social dynamics.

For this purpose, operational tools consistent with the safety management systems, in relation to endogenous and exogenous factors of the systems themselves, will be adopted by the Consortium itself, through its Consortium Members and Associated Partners (academic, institutional and entrepreneurial); suitable models will also be developed in which collective competence, aimed at solving complex problems, is oriented towards application horizons characterized by a social dimension of resilience.

Furthermore, applied research activities will be encouraged, such as diagnostic investigations and seismic monitoring of elements of the territory, and training courses will be promoted in accordance with the HENSE SCOOL Programme that will be given by the Partner Universities of the HENSE SCHOOL, and with the significant contribution of technicians of the public institutions involved.

The goal is referable to:

  • the definition of a safety policy and a shared process of territorial regeneration, aimed at promoting sustainable development

  • cooperation and sharing processes based on the contribution of clusters of networks of a Community of economic and social actors

  • stimulating the creation of entrepreneurial initiatives capable of generating value and positive effects on the territory;

  • involving in a training project Universities, Research Centers, Institutions, Public Administrations and Companies , with the aim of promoting innovative solutions and services in the field of territorial safety;

  • promoting strategic territorial planning, specifying the operational tools, and provide assistance to public structures in assessing territorial criticalities;



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Admissions e  enrollments


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Internship and   placement



Services  tecnologi


Teachers e  researchers

Technical - administrative staff

E-learning platform

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