The Placement service
i Placement and Career Education Offices have their headquarters at each Partner University of the HENSE SCHOOL _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb58b-136badd5coper-3194-bb58b-136bd5coper with the aim of:
favor the meeting between job demand and supply by maintaining permanent contacts with institutions and partner companies of HENSE SCHOOL in the field of territorial security;
promote the significance of the HENSE SCHOOL Program at institutions and associated partner companies, having regard to both the related training and research activities, and the use of innovative professional figures specially trained in the context of security policies of the territory;
help students a plan their careers in accordance with interests, abilities and ed labor market needs;
prepare students to improve their entrepreneurial skills and competences with the support of the entrepreneurial partners of HENSE SCHOOL who participate in the activities of the Consortium with responsibility in the promotion and organization of internship periods_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ finalized to the acquisition and deepening in the field of suitable levels of knowledge;
promote a correct integration between academic institutions and the territory, through information campaigns on the problem of environmental and territorial safety;
support students in the orientation to the choice of stage e of the first job;