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  • Support un  international project for the evolution of traditional Training and Research Centers for the definition of specific training courses for innovative professionals in the field of territorial security, reconfiguring the relationships between those who produce innovation and those who promote it , in the context of a shared and participatory land management policy, which has, as an ethical premise, the sustainable economic development of the community;

  • Encourage the  transnational training according to criteria of homogeneity by enhancing the contributions of the individual countries with a view to inter-university cooperation that _cc781905-5cde-3194bad5-136c3bad5 single structures universities, with significant repercussions on the definition and sharing of teaching, learning and testing methods in the field.

  • Promote the production of innovation by universities and research centers, and its inclusion in institutional and / or entrepreneurial practices, also through specific training initiatives, considering that it characterizes that intangible capital that determines the acquisition of competitive advantages related to creation of a public-private framework with the actors of the economic development of the territory, in the context of the enhancement of resources;

  • strengthen   dialogue between the actors of the economic development of the public-private territory by promoting a policy of private-sector also the activities of the   Placement and Career education Office of HENSE SCHOOL to meet the growing demand from the territory of constantly updated professionals, to be included in safety and security projects. enhancement of natural and environmental resources.

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