Antonio Teramo
Vice Presidents
Claudio Rafanelli
Scott Crosby
La HENSE SCHOOL is the expression of a project consistent with the general and specific objectives of the non-profit Consortium TerrSafeiLab in the field of territorial security, and has as its objective creation of a stable communication platform between research structures, institutions, companies and communities , capable of contributing to the training of innovative professionals with specific skills in the field of territorial security which is combined with economic development sustainable.
The set of activities planned, which characterizes the HENSE SCHOOL Program , is focused on innovation and the economy of knowledge, i.e. on the ability to continuously regenerate, on the one hand, the training offer of innovative professional figures consistent with the needs of security of the territory, on the other hand the offer of solutions and services aimed at improving development policies within a paradigmatic framework of governance of the territory itself.
The generation of innovation by Universities and Research Centers, and its inclusion in institutional and / or entrepreneurial practices, also through specific training initiatives, indeed characterizes that intangible capital that determines the acquisition of competitive advantages related to the realization of un_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_frameworkpublic-private with the actors of the economic development of the territory, in the context of the enhancement of resources.
As a result of the reconfiguration of the relationship between Institutions, Universities and Research Centers, businesses, citizens, through a network logic , the promotion of innovation, on the one hand , will contribute to the institutional repositioning of the Public Administration, on the other hand it will determine a significant incentive to the competitive repositioning of business structures.
The knowledge economy is therefore an essential reference for the configuration of new training courses that can transform, on the basis of targeted sustainability strategies, the approach to territorial management from a chapter of public expenditure to a strategic economic sphere.
The objective of HENSE SCHOOL is therefore attributable to the commitment of a network of universities, research structures, institutions and companies in un project of evolution and internationalization of traditional training and research structures , for the definition specific training courses for professional figures in the area of security of the territory. This is the context of the new relationship between those who produce and those who promote innovation, in the context of a shared and participatory land management policy, which has the sustainable economic development of the community as an ethical presupposition. To this end, three-year degree courses, master's degrees, higher education and continuing education will be activated with the release of joint degrees by the universities that adhere to the HENSE SCHOOL, which will have legal value in all the countries where the aforementioned universities are based.
The courses of the HENSE SCHOOL Program, characterized by adequate levels of sustainability, are correlated to the international dimension of the training offer, to the quality and interdisciplinary nature of of professors also external to the University, as well as the concrete territorial integration and the ability to attract funding.
Transnational training will also be encouraged according to homogeneity criteria, enhancing the contributions of individual countries with a view to inter-university cooperation, which harmonises the methods of intervention of the structures of the individual universities, with significant repercussions on the definition and sharing of teaching, learning and field verification .
The planned training activities, which will be carried out mainly in English and in the synchronous blended e-learning mode by the Partner Universities, with the support of Institutions and companies, are aimed at creating professional profiles with a high innovative and technological potential in the field of territorial security and technical-scientific skills functional to the implementation of entrepreneurial strategies suitable for generating value.
These activities will be coordinated by HENSE SCHOOL with the support of TerrSafeiLab e of all its Partners associati, _cc781905-5cde-3194-136bc3bd7-136bad5cde-3194-badd7 -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ a greater and more incisive communication and integration between research structures, institutions, businesses and citizens, also taking care of the editorial staff di_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136 Jointbad degree5 program and postgraduate degreecf58d territory safety , as an operational tool for the characterization of activities of training ed higher education , expressly_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d on the professional training sector_configurate evaluation and the risk monitoring environmental and territorial .
Students interested in the training courses of the HENSE SCHOOL will be able to enroll at the local universities that adhere to the HENSE SCHOOL and follow the related courses at the aforementioned universities, also making use of the support of professors of the same University.
Being the expression of a planning oriented towards the definition of innovative interdisciplinary training activities promoted by TerrSafeiLab, as a characterizing element of a project that combines safety and sustainable development, HENSE SCHOOL, with the support of its associated Partners, will encourage dialogue between development actors economic of the territory in the context of a policy of public-private partnership; will promote the activities of the Placement and Career education Office constantly updated by the TerrSafeiLab professional figures coming from the TerrSafeiLab area include in projects of territorial safety and enhancement of natural and environmental resources.