Final exam procedures
Bachelor's degree / Master's degree
In order to be admitted to the final exam, the students should have obtained the credits required by the training course, comprising those granted for the final presentation. This consists in a defense of a thesis elaborated under the guidance of a supervisor appointed by the Local Coordination Committee of the Universities Partner of the HENSE SCHOOL.
The elaboration of the thesis should show the acquired knowledge of the student about the themes covered along the study course.
The students taking the final exam will be granted grades from A to E, which might be followed by a "+" or a "-"
Graduation sessions are held in the months of July, October, December and March
Doctorate _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Between October 1st and 30th of the last year of the Doctorate, the candidates should take the final request of the Professors Board , to be allowed an extension (few months) or to postpone the final exam to the next academic year.
The following documents should be attached to the Final Doctoral Exam Request:
Board of Professors' authorization to take the final exam;
Thesis title form;
Declaration for self-filing of the Doctoral Thesis;
A digital copy of thesis;
Theses will be submitted to the final doctoral exam Committee members, whose names will be published on the website of each University Partner of the HENSE SCHOOL._cc781905 -5 -136bad5cf58d_
The Doctorate thesis defense will be accorded if, at least:
The elaboration of the thesis was carried out in a three month period in a University Partner of the HENSE SCHOOL located in a different Country;
Three professors, each one from a different University partner of the HENSE SCHOOL Network, have a positive evaluation of the manuscript. One member of the jury should in any case come from the university where the thesis will be defended.
The Doctorate thesis defense will be presented in English. The students taking the final exam will be granted grades from A to E, which might be followed by a “+” or a “-”.
Master course _cc781905-5cde-319481-bb3b-136badd5-3194c790_b3b-136bcc5_ -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
The final exam of the Master course consists in the discussion of the thesis elaborated under the guidance of Tutors appointed by the Local Coordination Committee_cc781905-5cde-3194_badc5-bb3b the Universities Partner of the HENSE SCHOOL.
Lifelong courses / Advanced study courses
According to the training characteristics