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Joint degree and postgraduate  course programmes in:

Environmental diagnostics and safety

Universities Partner of the HENSE SCHOOL Network 

Academic Partners
Italian Universities:
Institutional Partners

The HENSE SCHOOL is the expression of a planning coherent with the general and specific objectives of the TerrSafeiLab Consortium in the field of territory safety, and aims to create a stable communication platform between research structures, institutions, companies and community, able to contribute to the training innovative professionals with specific skills in the field of territory safety that is combined with sustainable economic development.

The set of activities planned, which characterizes the HENSE SCHOOL Programme, is focused on innovation and the  knowledge economy, or on the ability to continuously regenerate, on the one hand, the training offer of innovative professionals consistent with the territory safety needs, on the other hand, the offer of solutions and services aimed at improving of development policies within a paradigmatic framework of territory governance.

The generation of innovation by universities and research centres, and its inclusion in institutional and / or entrepreneurial practices, including through specific training initiatives, in fact characterizes that intangible capital that determines the acquisition of competitive advantages related to the realization of a public-private framework with the actors of the economic development of the territory, in the context of the exploitation of resources.

As a result of the reconfiguration of the relationship among Institutions, Universities and Research Centres, businesses, citizens, through a network logic, the promotion of innovation, on the one hand, will contribute to the institutional repositioning of the Public Administration (also due to a better and correct understanding of procedures and protocols related to the territory safety), on the other hand, will determine a considerable incentive to the competitive repositioning of the business structures (also due to the competitive advantages acquired with the inclusion of innovation in company practices).

Therefore, the knowledge economy is an essential reference for the configuration of unprecedented training paths that can transform, based on targeted sustainability strategies, the approach to territory management from a public expenditure area to a strategic economic sector.

The goal of HENSE SCHOOL is therefore due to the commitment of a network of Universities, Research facilities, Institutions and companies in a project of evolution and internationalization of traditional training and research structures, for the definition of specific training courses of professionals in the field of territory safety. The new relationship between those who produce and those who promote innovation lies within this framework, in the context of a shared and participatory territory management policy, which has as an ethical assumption the sustainable economic development of the community. To this end, three-year degree courses, master's degrees, advanced training and lifelong courses will be activated with the issue of joint degrees by Universities Partner of the HENSE SCHOOL , which will have legal validity in all countries where these Universities are located.

The HENSE SCHOOL Programme courses, characterized by adequate levels of sustainability, are related on the one hand to the international dimension of the education offering, to the quality and interdisciplinarity of the teaching with the involvement of teachers also external to the University, on the other to the actual territorial integration and the ability to attract funding.

In addition, transnational training will be promoted according to criteria of homogeneity, enhancing the contributions of individual Countries with a view to inter-university cooperation, which harmonises the approaches of the  university structures, with significant effects on the definition and sharing of teaching, learning and field verification.

 A better communication between research centres  and productive system will be moreover promoted in order to: 

  • improve people’s knowledge of the territory, by providing surveys and scientific data, useful to adopt policies targeted at prevention. Such policies would require new professionals to be trained in the sector of environmental and territorial risk assessment and monitoring;

  • creating the prerequisites for the competitive repositioning of businesses in the territorial systems, setting up a stable network of cooperation and exchange with the research  centres.


Interaction and integration of the HENSE SCHOOL with the actors of the development of the community will capitalize the competitiveness of the research, training and hi-tech business systems by creating specific instruments aiming at including knowledge economy in the industrial processes and in the territory safety protocols. 

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